วันจันทร์, ธันวาคม 24, 2555

7 Reasons Why This Jew Loves Christmas

You don't need to feel awkward wishing this Jew a "Merry Christmas"...I am totally down with this time of year!  Let me count the ways:

1) Just about everything is closed early today and all day tomorrow.  Which means I have absolutely zero guilt about parking myself in front of the TV for a 48 hour marathon of whatever crap it chooses to serve up.  Sure, I'd like to fix that petulant toilet, but the hardware store is closed, you know...

2) Speaking of TV - Christmas specials are awesome.  Happy endings, holiday magic, emotional warmth, and the true alchemy of the 21st century:  Turning cynicism into belief & ironic disconnection into joyful togetherness.  Only at Christmas, alas...

3) All the enjoyment of my neighbors brightly-lit, beautifully-arranged Christmas displays, without having to pay for the electricity.

4) The weather outside - at least in New Jersey - is expected to be frightful tonight, on Christmas Eve.  Fortunately I'll be home, roasting my proverbial chestnuts by an open fire...

5)  Gingerbread cookies.  Preferably in the shape of men (or women).  So sweet...

6)  Hot girls in Santa outfits.  Yum.

7)  The overall feeling of good will and camaraderie that changes people into the human beings we wish to be, as opposed to the inhuman beings we often are.  Even if only for a few days.  It's a beautiful thing.  Especially in a big city (like New York - there's no place better to be, if you're not home), where the warmth is palpable, regardless of the weather.  I understand why so many of the aforementioned Christmas specials pine away for that "Christmas feeling all year long".  If it were only possible...then we'd have heaven on earth, as they say...

So if you please, this Jews says " Merry Christmas to All ! "  For two days, your Savior is my savior - forcing me to kick up my feet, relax, and enjoy the season, and perhaps gain some perspective heading into what promises to be a tumultuous new year.

You know...he seems like a pretty good guy, after all...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Jim - PRS กล่าวว่า...

Great post! Merry Christmas back at ya and your family.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Thanks Jim! Have a very Merry Christmas!