วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 05, 2555

Vice President Chris Christie Storms The Golan Heights

I'm still not sure if this is such a good idea (see here, for openers).  And Chis Christie will most likely not even deliver New Jersey for his national ticket.  But he is a former US Attorney, and when it came to fighting corruption in the Garden State, Christie's office won convictions or guilty pleas from 130 public officials, both Republican and Democratic, on the state, county and local levels without losing a single case.

This is a bare-knuckled street brawler, afraid of no one, and showing no fear when it came to pursuing men of power.  Christie has two weapons he can draw upon in the national campaign:  He can make an eloquent case against the president, and humiliate him intellectually, or he can get into the gutter with Barack Obama, and kick the living shit out of him on the president's home turf (the "Mud Bowl", redux).

It's what Romney cannot do.  So that, most likely, is why Chris Christie is in Israel today, sneering at Bashar al-Assad, while simultaneously staring down Hezbollah:

Getting a security briefing at Mount Bental, with views of Syria in the background, from Israel Defense Force liaison officer Major Jonathan Conricus

Syria as seen from the Golan Heights

Christie looks out South Lebanon from the Benayah Outpost
