วันศุกร์, เมษายน 20, 2555

"The Kinder, Gentler Christie Is Before You Every Day...'

..so sayeth the man, as he laughs off (media-driven) concerns about his gruff image:

(His final "Keep quiet, Ingle!" refers to this particular member of the media.  Christie is a happy warrior, if nothing else.  And note the shout-outs to his wife, Mary Pat.  More on that later...)

Here he laughingly defends himself against a baseless accusation claiming he fell asleep at a Bruce Springsteen concert:

I previously mentioned Chris Christie's repeated references to his wife.  Note his comfort with the ladies in the video above. His policy chief, Deborah Grammicione, is brought to the stage as a "character witness", as she apparently went to the concert with Christie.  He's flanked on the left by another female member of his cabinet as well.

And his loving relationship with his mother is well known:

All I'm saying is...there's a reason that this guy out-polls the generic Republican brand among women in New Jersey (although they still call it a "gap".  Hmmm...).

And I know a certain guy who may be able to do with his help...
