วันพุธ, เมษายน 04, 2555

Democrats Define "Courage" Down (Again)

Standing up to the mild-mannered George W. Bush was an act of unbelievable bravery.  Barack Obama ordering a team of Navy SEALS to take out Osama bin Laden while he watched it on TV a few thousand miles away took extraordinary guts.  And now we see courage in action once again:

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said Thursday Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) “deserves a great deal of credit” for wearing a hoodie on the House floor —in deliberate violation of dress rules—in the wake of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Rush was gaveled out of order on Wednesday by the presiding officer, Rep. Gregg Harper (R-Miss.), and escorted out of the chamber as Harper said — as if it happens every day — “Members need to remove their hoods or leave the floor.” Rush was admonished after he started speaking in the well of the House and took off his suit coat — revealing the hoodie under it — and put the hood over his head.... Pelosi was asked about Rush’s hoodie-in-the-House during a press conference. “I think that Bobby Rush deserves a great deal of credit for the courage he had to go to the floor in a hoodie knowing that he would be put — told that he was out of order, and he quickly left the floor. . .

Someone give that man a Congressional Medal of Honor.  For dressing like a street rat in a place once thought worthy of much greater dignity...

You know what takes courage these days?  Being a conservative member of the Supreme Court.  Especially when the president is morphing into Hugo Chavez...

"It's an instruction manual, see..."
