วันเสาร์, เมษายน 14, 2555

Ann Romney: Enemy of the State?

A stay-at-home mom explains why women who choose her life path are now under open attack from the Democratic party:

For the last many years, I have been the single most important influence on my children. Yes, they go to school (public school, yet); and yes, they both have thriving social lives; and yes, I’ve been unable to insulate them from a Leftist pop culture that his hostile to traditional norms and to conservatives generally, but I’m still the most important person. Of all the influences in their lives, I am the one who is most present, most consistent, and most trusted...

I am the counterweight to the state. Therefore, I am dangerous. I am subversive simply by existing. My love for my children is a dominant force that works its way into their psyches and that trumps the state-run schools and the state complicit media world. Some mothers, of course, are entirely in sync with schools and media. They happily reinforce the statist message. But those of us who don’t are a powerful anti-statist force and we must be challenged...

Powerful stuff.  Makes clear why the attack on Ann Romney from the Left are so visceral:  They are borne out of fear, and of hatred.

Enemy of the state...

Bookworm's thesis above also helps explain this administration's war on the Catholic Church (often described as "Mother Church") - religion, too, is a counterweight to the state, and simply by existing poses a direct challenge to the government's claim on ultimate authority.  Obama has been somewhat successful  - due to the media's willing assistance - in disguising his war on religion as a Republican war on women.  But his minions went too far too quickly in expanding the battleground to include America's moms.  After their early victories against a weakened church, the Left seemed a bit surprised by the swift counter-attack from the "mom brigade", and The Party beat a hasty, if limited, retreat.

But the threat to the state's authority posed by the stay-at-home mom has not diminished,  and the Democrats will launch another strike soon enough, as soon as their wounds heal, and the fear and hate begin to outweigh the pain again.

Ann Romney - and the rest of America's moms - had best steel themselves.  The beast will be back...
