วันพฤหัสบดี, เมษายน 26, 2555

Resolved: Barack Obama Is The Coolest...

No matter what Mitt Romney does, he will never be as "cool" as Barack Hussein Obama...

...and he shouldn't even try.

Mitt's got two options: One. remember that cool doesn't carry the cache that it did when "The Fonz" was riding his motorcycle, and that equal respect is given to the capitalist egghead:


The new hot....

That's Justin Timberlake, donning a nerd ensemble, and being hotly pursued by the extremely hot Cameron Diaz in "Bad Teacher"...


Or, he can simply remind America what "cool" has gotten us in the last 3.5 years:

- 10k dead in Syria, how cool is that? 
– Iran about to have the makings of a nuclear weapon, how awesome is that?
– Islamists on the march throughout the Arab world, how rockin’ is that?
– Russia’s return to dictatorship, how sweet is that? 
– Al Qaeda taking over Yemen, how wicked is that?

May I recommend a campaign slogan for Mitt 2012?

Keep the cool.  We'll bring the competence...

May resonate better than a slow-jam on a low-rated, late-night talk show...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

LibertyAtStake กล่าวว่า...

Cool rhymes with fool, Obama rhymes with Yo Mama.

(Hey, I think I got a slow jam goin')
