วันจันทร์, เมษายน 16, 2555

Barack Obama Stars In..."Permanent Vacation"

It's bad enough that the president is seemingly unconcerned about the visuals of him golfing every weekend, and taking long, exotic vacations with his government-fed wife, while most Americans are struggling to pay for a tank of gasoline.  What's even worse,though, is that he's going around the world bragging about it:

Just two days after President Barack Obama gave a sharply edged response to news anchor Larry Conners of KMOV in St. Louis after Conners had asked the president about Americans who “get frustrated and even angered when they see the first family jetting around [to] different vacations and so forth,” Obama told a panel at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia that part of his job there was to scout out locations for a future vacation with First Lady Michelle Obama.

Obama was speaking on a panel with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff when he made the remarks. The panel was moderated by Chris Matthews of MSNBC.

“I want to thank President Santos and the people of Colombia for the extraordinary hospitality in the beautiful city of Cartagena,” said Obama. “We're having a wonderful time. And usually when I take these summit trips, part of my job is to scout out where I may want to bring Michelle back later for vacation. So we'll make sure to come back sometime in the near future.

Obama, the two other presidents, and Chris Matthews were sitting in white armchairs for the panel. Obama was wearing a blue blazer, but was not wearing a tie...

Hey, no worries, Barack! Take it easy, be casual!  It's just a non-stop party on the taxpayer tit, where the ladies are dancing:

That's Hillary Clinton, dancing her ass off at the most exclusive nightclub in town, ironically named Cafe Havana (see the sign in the background?).  It's good to see she's enjoying our money so...

And the men are out whore-mongering:

So far, 11 agents have been suspended with pay for the reported debauchery at the Hotel Caribe in the Caribbean resort town. The shenanigans came to light after one of the agents allegedly refused to pay his hooker as little as $47 for their romp...

All while Barack claims to merely be a location scout for Moochelle.  Although he appears to be acting a lot more like a Hollywood talent scout looking to warm up the casting couch:

 "You know I've always had a thing for you, Shakira...."

Sigh.  As somebody else has said, the country's in the best of hands...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Photography Competitions กล่าวว่า...

What he is doing :O

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

wonder whose baby she is carrying, i mean, it was about 9 months ago now...hmmmm...someone has some splainin to do!!