วันเสาร์, เมษายน 07, 2555

"Bad Teacher" Explains Why Obama Will Always Over-Deliver In The Voting Booth

Although the key line isn't given to the bad teacher herself -Cameron Diaz - but to a man she is accusing (under the guise of being an "investigative reporter") of rigging standardized testing against minorities. What Diaz, as Elizabeth Halsey, really wanted was a copy of the test in advance, and knew the only way to get Carl Halabi to meet with her at a moment's notice was to make this classic liberal accusation:

Elizabeth Halsey: Look Carl, I know that you are a very busy man; so I'm just gonna get right down to it. I've been speaking to various....uh black citizens, who allege that you're test are biased toward white people and orientals.

Carl Halabi: Okay. Lemme tell you something right away. "A"... Orientals test better. "B"... every couple of years we get these cockamamie charges coming in from various parts of the state and - lemme duh-dat - You should hear the things that they call me! Racist. Faggatron. Faggy Hitler. Dick breath. Ok? But, I... am not a racist. I voted for Barack Obama. You can quote me on that.

Hollywood uncovers a few truths here.  One, is that they indeed understand the racial shakedown game.  Two, they'd rather play it themselves in order to maintain a holier-than-thou position rather than fight the extortionists.  And three, they explain how much of the Obama vote is not an endorsement of the man himself, but more of an absolution for the person casting the vote, as well as a way to give the voter protection ("I voted for Barack Obama") against the race-card racket.

Note to Republicans:  If you want to win in 2012, you better figure out a way to destroy the liberal's racial grievance industry, that wraps a rope of guilt around the naive and pulls them into the booth to vote Democratic.  And of you guys are actually awake, you may notice that the George Zimmerman case down in Florida - with every race-baiter fighting to get to the front of a lynch mob to hang a potentially innocent man - may be a good place to start...

Thanks for the lesson, Cameron...and since we've gone this far, might as well go full-on Rule 5, with Mr. McCain's approval:

Oh, why the hell not...unrelated, but...yowza:

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Cameron Diaz is so f****ing hot, loved her in Any Given Sunday with Jaimie Foxx. signed, Raymond Fernandez Jr.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Nice job seeding your page with Cameron Diaz photos to increase traffic to your typically unimpressive righty clueless ramblings...

Chris กล่าวว่า...

No this wasn't a deeply political forum, discussing all of the relevent issues that could influence the populace in this years election, but it did hit the nail on the head...Obama got elected 4 years ago because he was the "first black president" even though he's half white, the fact that he looks totally black excuses him from that little inconsistency...and he may very well get voted in again because he's black again...he's a terrible president, but he's a charming, attractive, pseudo-young politician and that's what got him voted in and if Romney doesn't do something awesome in the next month or so, it might be what gets Obama voted in again...atleast we're lucky that they limit how many terms a president can serve...so worst case scenario, he's here for 4 more years...after that, we can breath a little easier...