วันศุกร์, ธันวาคม 02, 2554

Jon Corzine Subpoenaed By Congress...

...if they can find him.  Rats, the sinking ship, and all that:

Jon Corzine, the former head of bankrupt commodities brokerage firm MF Global, has been subpoenaed to testify about his role in the collapse before a congressional committee.

Corzine hasn’t been heard from publicly since MF Global imploded in October, the result of bad bets on European sovereign debt, a risky gamble reportedly pushed by Corzine himself.
The House Agriculture Committee, which is looking into the collapse, will question Corzine at a hearing on Dec. 8.

Federal investigators are still trying to locate as much as $1.2 billion in client funds that disappeared as the investment firm collapsed.

But where in the world is Jon Corzine?

For several days following the bankruptcy of MF Global, Corzine was regularly appearing in the office. Sources at MF Global told me he spent his days in conference rooms with teams of lawyers and accountants. Then he abruptly resigned as chief executive.

And for his next act, he vanished.

Corzine is not an ordinary chief executive.
As a former US Senator and former Governor of New Jersey, he is a public figure. He was even under consideration to be the next Treasury Secretary.

As one of the few people who can answer questions about what happened to MF Global—how it went from a healthy midsized commodities brokerage to a fatality—Corzine should be in front of the public offering explanations. He used publicity to climb his way to the top of America's power-structure, and now he's trying to hide. This seems unfair.

The explanation, no doubt, is that his lawyers have told him to keep quiet...

And maybe - just maybe - the president did as well....he's got a lot to lose as well, if Crooked Jon decides to squeal...

Would't surprise me if Jon fled to some deserted isle - or even a communist enclave, where they still exist.  Jon's a coward; expect him to act like one...

And it seems like the rest of America is about to find out why they call the state "Dirty Jersey"...and I can't wait to hear what Chris Christie's gonna say about all this....
