วันพุธ, ธันวาคม 07, 2554

...And Another Anti-Semite Joins The Obama Administration!

Like moths to a candle....

Ben Smith, in Politco today, takes notes of the harsh anti-Israeli and borderline(?) anti-semitic commentary coming out of the Democrat's primary think-tank:

The Center for American Progress, the party’s key hub of ideas and strategy, and Media Matters, a central messaging organization, have emerged as vocal critics of their party’s staunchly pro-Israel congressional leadership

...while the Center for American Progress tends to walk a more careful line, warm words for Israel can be hard to find on its blogs.

“Like segregation in the American South, the siege of Gaza (and the entire Israeli occupation, for that matter) is a moral abomination that should be intolerable to anyone claiming progressive values,” wrote Matt Duss, a CAP policy analyst and the director of Middle East Progress,

There’s two explanations here – either the inmates are running the asylum or the Center for American Progress has made a decision to be anti-Israel,” said Josh Block, a former spokesman for AIPAC who is now a fellow at the center-left Progressive Policy Institute. “Either they can allow people to say borderline anti-Semitic stuff...and to say things that are antithetical to the fundamental values of the Democratic party, or they can fire them and stop it.”

And in a related story:

Jennifer Palmieri, a veteran Democratic operative, has been tapped to join the White House as deputy communications director, an administration official said Monday.

Palmieri spent eight years in the Clinton White House, including three years as deputy press secretary. She is currently senior vice president for communications at the Center for American Progress, the liberal think tank..

Obama's newest anti-Semite


She also served in the White House as a special assistant to White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta.... Her career in politics began in the congressional office of Congressman Leon Panetta (D-CA)

Yeah.  Leon Panetta.  This guy.

I am sure there are still some Jewish supporters of the Obama administration left.  After all, the concentration camp had their Kapos...
