วันเสาร์, ธันวาคม 31, 2554

...and a "Happy New Year" to all !!

So it is time to don our party hats, wrap neatly the bottle of good cheer we bring (and soon unwrap, to be served up...neat), and head off to celebrate the welcoming in of a new year.

2011 was not a great year for the United States of America.  But it was a pretty good year for this blog.  I'd like to thank the nearly 175,000 of you who stopped by to visit this little roadside stand on the internet super-highway this year.  That's a record for us, by far.  I am humbled, rather than inflated, when I see some of the hefty names and intellects that will on occasion link here; if I were to have any resolution all all for 2012, it would be to honor these people by trying to provide top-rate work on a daily basis, and try to avoid the steaming helpings of dreck that are occasionally served up.  We'll see how that works out...

Truthfully,  I appreciate each and every one of you who drops by to read, comment, link, or even snark, and I deeply hope this new year sees your fondest hopes and dreams realized.

I have one goal in 2012:  To see the regime of Barack Hussein Obama ended, and liberalism discredited for a generation.  With every passing day my faith grows stronger that my prayers will be answered.  But that has little to do with efforts on my part, and more to do with the mindset of my fellow Americans, who I cherish more and more with the passing of time - for their humility, their strength, and their intelligence.  May God bless us all in 2012.

So let's pop some bubbly on the eve of 2012 - not for the year that was, but for the year that lies ahead.

2012:  When everything finally changes...

Happy New Year!!

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Reaganite Independent กล่าวว่า...

Happy New Year... you crazy nut

Congrats, great site my friend- added to blogroll fwiw