วันอาทิตย์, ธันวาคม 18, 2554

Christmas Wishes from Bibi...

...delivered with  more solemness, dignity, and honesty than just about any politician currently on the American scene can muster:

He's almost like the anti-Obama, you know?  That's why the media and the Left hate his guts, and why Americans continue to grow more fond of him and of the nation he embodies...

And it is also why the Right idolizes him.  Obama attacks Bibi and Israel, Netanyahu side-steps and employs a few Krav Maga moves, and the president winds up face-planted into the dirt, sputtering with impotent rage, while looking feeble, weak, and laughably pathetic.

 Oh man, conservatives think, if only our candidates could move like that...

Via The Other McCain
