วันพุธ, สิงหาคม 24, 2554

Young Obama vs. Young Rick Perry: Still No Contest...

In the spirit of this now-famous photo of our juvenile president contrasted with with Israeli hard-ass Benjamin Netanyahu,  we bring you a comparison of Barack Obama at age 22 with his likely rival for for the presidency in 2012, Texas governor Rick Perry, taken at the same point in time:

The names change, but the song remains the same:

You need only compare pictures of Perry and Obama as young men to see the difference. One is a serious person, the other a jive-ass.

And to quote myself:

Yeah, but when you look at the two pictures above, who do you think Democratic politicians, MSM editorial writers, and garden-variety liberals identify with? And thus, right or wrong, who do you think they are rooting for? The man who resembles them as they were (or still are), or the man they were never brave enough or strong enough to be?

If past is prologue, let us remember that Bibi has kicked Barack Obama's lame, pathetic ass at every turn. Expect Mr. Perry to do the same...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

David Millson กล่าวว่า...

Is there any assurance that the photos are the real people?