วันอาทิตย์, สิงหาคม 14, 2554

Obama's Approval Rating: 39%, And Dropping....

Gallup Daily Poll is here.  It's based on a three-day rolling, actually.  Use the slider, it's been consistently bad since late July, but the trend goes one way: down.  43%, 41%, 40%, now 39%...

Surely, if this were a Republican, the media would make this front-page news and be braying for his head by now.  Instead, we have folks like David Gregory at NBC grilling Ames straw-poll winner Michele Bachmann about gays, lesbians, and her Catholicism.

No surprise, that.  Gregory has oft accused the Tea Party of racism, and has been openly hostile towards the agenda of reformist governors like Chris Christie. He's part of the cheering section for Barack Obama and the liberal agenda, although that crew seems less an intellectual elite and more like...well, these two guys:

My advice to Republicans:  Stay off of Meet the Press, and stop helping Gregory's ratings.  Let him fill his airtime with liberal Democrats and Obama administration toadys.  And watch as we look back at the president's 39% approval rating as a high point...

UPDATE:  And if you're wondering how Obama can garner the "suppost" of 39% of the nation, look no further....
