วันพฤหัสบดี, สิงหาคม 18, 2554

Syria Slaughters Palestinians; World Yawns...

When Israel pats down Palestinians at checkpoint, it's definitive proof  of their apartheid status.  When Syria kills them in cold blood, well...nothin' but crickets.  Which proves nothing more than what anyone with half a brain already knows: Most criticism of Israel is grounded in good old fashioned antisemitism cloaked in liberal piety.

Otherwise, after events like these,the Security Council would be in session:

Syrian forces attacked a Palestinian refugee camp in Latakia this week, causing up to 10,000 residents to flee. UNRWA, the UN agency in charge of Palestinian refugees, said it has no idea where they went, how many were killed, or whether wounded and elderly people might still be trapped in the camp; it deemed the situation “very, very worrying.” A senior Palestinian Authority official, Yasser Abed Rabbo, went even further, terming the attack “a crime against humanity.

Maybe they went into Israel. They'd get more love from their enemies than their "friends" like Hamas, Iran, or Barack Obama, none of whom spoke a word about this massacre.

But some of the aforementioned did have the time to issue a statement condemning Israel - specifically, the peace-loving "Quartet", which has accomplished nothing so far, and seems bent on keeping their track record perfect:

The Quartet is greatly concerned by Israel's recent announcements to advance planning for new
housing units in Ariel and East Jerusalem, and reiterates its position in this regard...

But they are not so concerned about Assad killing innocent Palestinian civilians when it suits his needs. Interesting.

You know, if both sides could rid themselves of outside interlocutors - be they Euro-socialist windbags debating fairness or petty proto-fascist thugs craving power - maybe we'd actually see some movement on the whole "peace" thing...

UPDATE:  Hamas must be sweating, they went a-Jew killing today, shooting at some children in cars. Smokescreen for Assad?  You betcha...
