วันพุธ, สิงหาคม 17, 2554

The Mainstream Media: Mocking Republicans and the Common Man For 150 Years...

John Miller's got a piece out in today's New York Post mocking (rightfully) Barack Obama's claim that since Abraham Lincoln got as much abuse in the past as he's getting in the present, he should be treated with the same respect and awe as the Great Emancipator.

As salient as any other example of Obama-speak, I suppose. But Miller reprints an excerpt from an editorial in The New York World, circa 1864, that shows who's really been taking sh*t from the elites for the past century and a half.  Pontificating on the Republican team of Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, we get:

“The age of statesmen is gone; the age of rail-splitters and tailors, of buffoons, boors and fanatics, has succeeded,” it wrote. “In a crisis of the most appalling magnitude, requiring statesmanship of the highest order, the country is asked to consider the claims of two ignorant, boorish, third-rate backwoods lawyers, for the highest stations in government. Such nominations, in such a conjecture, are an insult to the common-sense of the people.”

Expect the New York Times to reproduce an almost identical editorial to denounce the 2012 Republican team of Perry/Bachmann....

Abe Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, George W.  Bush, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry....backwoods, ignorant, fanatical boors, all... 
