วันอังคาร, สิงหาคม 30, 2554

Jews For Rick Perry!

It's gotta start somewhere, why not here?

Three reasons for Jews to get behind Perry:  First, according to his rival for the governor's seat in 2006 (Jewish singer/wannabe cowboy Kinky Friedman), he's a true mensch:

When I ran for governor of Texas as an independent in 2006, the Crips and the Bloods ganged up on me. When I lost, I drove off in a 1937 Snit, refusing to concede to Perry. Three days later Rick called to give me a gracious little pep talk, effectively talking me down from jumping off the bridge of my nose....You might call what Rick did an act of random kindness. Yet in my mind it made him more than a politician, more than a musician; it made him a mensch....

Second: He's re-wrote Texas law to allow for over-sized mezuzahs. Just ask the Mezuzah Store, who has built a custom one in his honor:

Over the last few years we have been following with great interest the different stories of condominium boards making rules prohibiting Mezuzahs. First there was a story in Florida, then in Chicago and most recently in Texas.

Recently in June of this year (2011) Texas did something unique in passing a special law explicitly permitting the display of a Mezuzah up to 25 inches tall. This law overrides the authority of the Condo boards to ban Mezuzahs. This has come to be known as the Mezuzah Law.

After the bill was passed by the Texas legislature, the only question was whether Governor Rick Perry would sign it into law. When he did, we came up with the idea of commissioning a large, Texas style Mezuzah in his honor. We called up our friends at CJ Art in Israel and asked them to make us a very large Mezuzah from Jerusalem stone.

This Mezuzah is a one of a kind. There is only one in the world. It is hand crafted of one solid piece of Jerusalem Stone and measures 26 inches tall. It is pictured next to a standard 4 inch Mezuzah to give you a sense of proportion....

Third: Well...I'll send it back to Kinky, who provides us with the  following bit of simple wisdom last night on FOX News:

It comes down to this: do you prefer a president who doesn't believe in evolution, or do you prefer a president that doesn't believe in Israel?

That counts for something....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Kitty C กล่าวว่า...

Kinky has got to drop that big Texas size cigar.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

I don't know - I tend to like to chomp on a stogie every now and again; these days, it's practically an act of rebellion...