วันศุกร์, สิงหาคม 19, 2554

Frank Lautenberg lets the mask slip: "We've got to eliminate the rich!"

New Jersey's senile senator - whoops, I meant "senior senator" - went off on a rambling tangent after a young man asked him a question about using funds from government-seized property (drug cash, etc.) to help replenish the state's beaches.

Lautenberg's response: "We've got to eliminate the rich":

Art Gallagher has some suggestions for our Diapered Dandy:

Let me be the first to suggest that Lautenberg start with himself. He should turn over all of his wealth including his homes in Cliffside Park and Manhattan and return to his native Paterson where he grew up during the Great Depression. Maybe there he would recognise something of his immigrant parents in some of the immigrant couples with different skin colors and dialects that Sam and Mollie had, but have a similar work ethic, faith in the American Dream and love of their children. Maybe he will see something of himself in a brown young boy with dreams.

Or maybe he will see hopeless broken families merely existing on the government handouts confiscated from the rich.

That's Congressman Frank Pallone (D) standing astride his sugar daddy, by the way. Pallone can be seen here bragging that he's the true architect of Obamacare. (Of course, all mention of that proud accomplishment has long since been scrubbed from his website...)

Pallone acts like he love his dear old granddad - with his approving, doting, patient smile -  but the stories are legion in New Jersey about Frank's rage that the old man just absolutely refuses to kick the bucket and pass on the seat that is rightfully his...

Which of course, reminds me of:

"Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish""

Burns: There, Simpson: seven gone. As soon as you're in your pressboard coffin, I'll be the sole survivor and the treasure will be mine.
Abe: Over my dead body, it will!

Burns:  I've tried to meet you halfway on this, Simpson, but you had to be little Johnny Live-a-lot. Now, give me your key to the Hellfish bonanza...

4 ความคิดเห็น:

Joaquin กล่าวว่า...

These guys know that it doesn't apply to them. I know lots of old rich guys that blabber about this all the time, but at the end of the day, they are greedy old bastards that won't let go of one red cent. It just a temporary feel-good moment for them. It's all show.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

And God forbid they should get a nickle cut off of their benefits...

Bob English กล่าวว่า...

Sorry to burst everyones buble containing their wacko beliefs but Art posted and update indicating that Lautenburg did not say that.


Sandy กล่าวว่า...

Such a great article which all one acts like he love his dear old granddad - with his approving, doting, patient smile - but the stories are legion in New Jersey about Frank's rage that the old man just absolutely refuses to kick the bucket and pass on the seat that is rightfully his. In which New Jersey's senile senator - whoops, I meant senior senator - went off on a rambling tangent after a young man asked him a question about using funds from government-seized property to help replenish the state's beaches. Thanks for sharing this article.