วันจันทร์, พฤศจิกายน 01, 2553

Relax. Sharron Angle Is Going To Win...

...and "outside the margin of Democratic fraud", as well (that's +2.5%). First, let's look at the Congressional race in the heartland of Democratic Nevada, the one between Joe Heck (R) and incumbent (D)Dina Titus:

...if the latest Mason-Dixon poll is accurate, and Republican Joe Heck really does beat incumbent Democrat Dina Titus by 10 points in a district that includes roughly a third of Nevada’s voters, it would be hard to imagine a scenario in which Harry Reid wins that state’s Senate race. When a D+2 district shifts that heavily towards a Republican… perhaps there will be some ticket-splitting going on, but it would seem to point to a general anti-Democrat/anti-incumbent mood.

And then
there's this:

Public Policy Polling shows Sharron Angle beating Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate race, 47-46 percent. The survey says Reid has a 50 to 46 percent lead after early voting but shows that those voting tomorrow intend to support Angle by a 48 to 40 percent margin...

And being there are a lot more folks that haven't voted than ones who have, well - you can see where I'm getting my comfort level for "outside the margin of fraud".

And sometimes, for the few undecideds remaining, it just depends on that queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. The ones plenty of Jersey voters got last year in their governor's race, when they entered the voting booth perhaps leaning Democratic, but the sight of Jon Corzine's name, and the thought of four more years of the same sh*t, pushed them towards the fat guy in the "R" column...

Well, we know how that worked out. Expect a similar dynamic in Nevada tomorrow...
