วันพุธ, พฤศจิกายน 10, 2553

Chris Christie Polls Strong In Blue Jersey; Liberals Respond By Calling Him Fat

Considering the Democratic bias of this state, Christie's approval numbers - especially as compared to liberal godhead Barack Obama - are outsized:

New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie gets decent grades from voters as he nears the end of his first year in office, with a 51 - 38 percent approval rating, higher than President Barack Obama or any other statewide leader, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

His first year in office has been mainly a success, 52 percent of voters say, while 35 percent say it's been mainly a failure. Christie is doing a better job than expected, 32 percent say, as 23 percent say he is doing a worse job and 42 percent say he is doing about as well as they expected.

"We like our in-your-face governor, Christopher Christie, and think he's a real Jersey guy - sometimes a bully, often confrontational, but getting a fair number of A's and a lot of B's in his first year," said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Christie outscores President Obama, who gets a negative 46 - 50 percent approval rating in the Garden State, down from a 47 - 47 percent split in an August 19 Quinnipiac University poll and Obama's worst score ever in the state.

Why should this make the Democrats sh*t themselves? Because here is a guy who is breaking down the edifices of the liberal governmental model, pretty much with his bare hands and big mouth. And in a liberal state, he is drawing big kudos for it. Whether he runs for president or not, if his Republican philosophy can win over a blue state like New Jersey, what hope in hell to the Democrats have in 2012, assuming the Republican standard bearer runs on a similar platform?

Speaking of the Democrats - Christie's numbers look even more amazing when placed next to those of other statewide liberals:

Other New Jersey elected officials don't do much better:

•Voters disapprove 28 - 20 percent of the way the State Senate Majority Leader Stephen Sweeney is doing his job, with 52 percent undecided;
•Voters disapprove 22 - 19 percent of the job Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver is doing, with 59 percent undecided;
•Voters approve 31 - 18 percent of the job Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno(R!)is doing, with 50 percent undecided;
•Voters disapprove 51 - 28 percent of the State Assembly;
•Voters disapprove 53 - 29 percent of the State Senate.

Voters are evenly divided on New Jersey's two U.S. Senators, giving Sen. Frank Lautenberg a split 43 - 44 percent approval rating and giving Sen. Robert Menendez a slightly negative 38 - 41 percent score.

"Sen. Robert Menendez is said to be getting into gear for his 2012 campaign. He'd better. Not only did Democrats lose Bergen County, right next door to Menendez' Hudson County home, on Election Day; he gets a slightly negative job approval measure.

Here's another nightmare scenario for the Democrats: Should an cancer-stricken Lautenberg pass (and no, we wish him a long life, long enough to be defeated for re-election on 2014 when he turns 120), and an unpopular Bob Menendez lose, the state of New Jersey can likely have two Republican senators representing them by 2012.

And how does the left respond to this? By mocking Chris Christie's weight:

On Monday, Columbia University Professor and TV commentator Marc LaMont Hill told viewers of Fox 29 Philadelphia that Christie is too fat to be President of the United States.

“He can’t win, let’s be honest” said Hill. “I’m going to say this and its going to make people mad – he’s fat.”

Commenting on voter affinity to attractive candidates, Hill went on to say that Christie is playing the political circuit “perfectly, now if he could just run the circuit a little bit and trim some of that off, he’ll be just fine.”

Hmmm...Some say the turning point of the 2009 governor's campaign was an ad Jon Corzine ran depicting Christie's big frame and declaring he was known to "throw his weight around". Liberal practically wet themselves over that one; how witty, how clever, how original they were to think of making fun of man's weight...

That's about the time Christie's positives took a nice, permanent jump, while Corzine suddenly found himself even further south into negative territory. But here they go again...can't teach an old liberal new tricks, I reckon...
