วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 28, 2553

On Calling Bristol Palin "A Hooker": The Gang-Rape Continues...

I didn't realize Joy Behar had her own TV show, and I didn't realize some show biz folks still believe that the perpetually painfully unfunny wannnabe comediaenne Sandra Bernhard is a worthwhile guest on such shows. Well, call me an uncultered Philistine, I suppose, because I don't believe this is funny, informative, or contributes to the grand discussion in any way...via Cubachi, and Newsbusters:

JOY BEHAR, HOST: After weeks of speculation that the low-scoring Bristol Palin could actually take the "Dancing With The Stars`" win, the nation breathed the sigh of relief last night as Jennifer Grey was crowned the champion (ph). With me now to talk about this and other stories in the news are Sandra Bernhard
comedian and singer, Rebecca Dana, senior correspondent for the Daily Beast...

BEHAR: So, Sandra, were you ready to shoot the TV last night?

SANDRA BERNHARD, COMEDIAN: I twittered for the entire two hours. My eyeballs were falling out of my head. I said, first of all, I said, Cander and Ebb would not allow this.


BERNHARD: You cannot be part of the Palin legacy and dance to Cander and Ebb in a cage.


BERNHARD: I mean, Bob Fosse, he turned over in his grave.

BEHAR: What`s her name, Bristol on today`s "View" said something like --

BERNHARD: How did she do it? How did she get to New York to do the "View"?

BEHAR: I don`t know.

REBECCA DANA, SENIOR CORRESPONDENT, THE DAILY BEAST: They have their own plane, these people.

BERNHARD: She`s such a hooker. She got on a flight after losing last night.

BEHAR: How did they deal with ABC? I think that the losers come on the "View" and they dance. She said that her mother likes her being in the cage.

BERNHARD: She`s supposed to be the spokesperson for abstinence and yet wears candies shoes which like you say -- I`m wearing these (INAUDIBLE). I`m thrown (ph) out of a car at full speed. You know what I mean? These are like total like hooker shoes. By all means, have candies underwrite abstinence.

BEHAR: You know, there`s a backlash on me because a lot of people when I`m talking to my friends are saying, she`s a sweet girl, she worked hard, and she`s a nice girl.

BERNHARD: Who worked hard? Are you kidding me, she worked hard?

That's a lot of hate to direct at a 20 year old kid who placed third in a nationally televised dance contest. What did she do to deserve it? Nothing, even the plane that so called "Daily Beast Senior Correspondent" claimed as Palin's own was actually provided by ABC. Is that indicative of the journalism we'll see at the newly formed merger of "BeastWeek"? If so, it still may represent an improvement from the original Newsweek, but not by much...

I suppose liberalism now condones attacking the children of politicians once they have run out ammunition against their parents, although I would assume that the reverse does not hold true, and that calling Sasha and Malia names for exploiting the American taxpayer by taking part in their mother's Spanish vacation would not be accompanied by a laugh track.

Or could this be just a continuation of
the liberal gang-rape of female conservatives, now extended to their children by dint of the blood that runs through their veins?

For some reason, when liberals see a Sarah Palin or a Carrie Prejean [and now a Christine O'Donnell], the impulse immediately is for the lowest road possible: not to engage them, but to defile them. Not to prove them wrong, but to humiliate them in the vilest way possible. The immediate, insatiable urge of the Left is to wreck a female adversary so completely that no one can look at them the same way; so that anyone who sees their victim will see the marks on them and turn away in disgust or openly mock with righteous venom, and to hopefully so emotionally destroy their female "enemies" that their self-esteem is ravaged, and they slink away from public life, alone and ashamed.

There's a word for this type of assault. Rape.

Yes, the assault isn't physical, but the thought process behind the rapes of Palin and Prejean are identical to that of the common street rapist: To defile, degrade, humiliate, embarrass, and make themselves feel better in the process. A broken victim is what each hopes to obtain, and neither stops the assault until the surrender is complete.

Again, when it comes to conservative females, the Left (and the media) has simply divided them into two categories:
Nuts, or sluts. And that makes Joy Behar, Sandra Bernhard, and Rebecca Dana nothing more than common rapists. Worse, even, as they do not get any enjoyment from the act, but - like ghetto gang ho's who will hold an innocent down so that others may defile her - are doing it simply for the approval they get from others. They will jump on the dogpile and degrade and deface where they can, all for...the anticipated roar of approval from the crowd.

Welcome, Joy, Sarah, and Dana, to the very bottom of human ladder. How far you have fallen, to commit hate crimes not even as an end in themselves, but for the pathetic little ego-boost that comes with a smattering of applause. And like coke addicts chasing the high, you continually sank lower and lower as the adoration grew sparser, hoping that an act of true defilement would once again boost you to the top, where you may have spent one brief, dizzying moment...

Well, you've succeeded. In defiling yourself, that is - worse than any other could have done in your stead. But that's OK with us, too. You're not the first, won't be the last. Down here in the Ninth Circle of the Damned, we have a special table reserved for you....
