วันจันทร์, พฤศจิกายน 08, 2553

Marco Rubio Goes To Israel...

....giving him exactly one more trip to the Holy Land than President Barack Obama, who has not shown his face there at all since his election. Wise, Israelis are not known for their obsequiousness, and Barack likely fears (with good reason) a few choice words spoken directly to his face from Parliament back-benchers, or random passers-by...

“Senator-elect Rubio and his wife Jeanette will be making a private and personal visit to the Holy Land next week. There will be no official meetings or media interviews, and specific details of the trip will be kept private. Senator-elect Rubio is also working with pro-Israel supporters to make an official trip back to Israel early next year after he is sworn into office.”

The symbolism is not lost on us. Nor the Israelis. Nor Barack Obama, who sent Joe Biden out to swear fealty ("the ties between our two countries are literally unbreakable") to the small Middle Eastern nation they have spent two years disrespecting.

Looks like Rubio's message is one of the few that Barack Obama actually "got"...
