วันอาทิตย์, พฤศจิกายน 29, 2552

The Terror Trials: What Obama and Holder Have Brought Upon Us...

...the likes of Scott Fenstermaker, the defense attorney who is currently representing two of the Guantanamo Bay detainees in their upcoming NYC trials. In an email to the authors of Hot Air:

By the way, please tell your subscribers that I still don’t know who attacked the World Trade Center and, yes, I still don’t care. From the perspective of those who died, it makes very little difference who killed them. From the perspective of everyone else, its frankly none of their business, unless they sit on the jury of course. Print that loud, wide, and clear.

Remember that, my fellow American. If the events of 9/11 broke your heart, boiled your blood, or forever changed your life through the loss of a loved one - a husband, wife, father, daughter, son - it doesn't matter. These trials are none of your goddamn business. And the lawyers that Barack Obama has now gotten involved? They don't care. And they want you to understand that loud, wide, and clear.

By his actions, Barack Obama has shown that he doesn't care, either. Your suffering? It makes very little difference as far as the application of liberal dogma is concerned. After all, it doesn't matter who killed your loved one, all that matters is that they are "tried" in a setting befitting aforementioned left-wing dogma.

Obama, to the victims of 9/11: How I choose to prosecute the perpetrators is none of your goddamn business. Your loved ones are dead already, does it matter to them how I chose to hold the aggressors to account? And frankly, I don't want to hear from you, unless you are members of the jury...

For all of his mistakes - and Lord, there has been many - this may be the one that drives the stake through the heart of Obama presidency. Picture a show trial unraveling against the backdrop of the rubble of the World Trade Center - complete w/terrorists dancing on the graves of the innocent, damning America and those wicked Jews - as the voters trudge to the polls next November.

What a sick, sad, sorry spectacle the president and his men have visited upon us...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Jim - PRS กล่าวว่า...

"What a sick, sad, sorry spectacle the president and his men have visited upon us..."


The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Glad to see you're feeling better and back at the keyboard, Jim!

Although, if you're still less than 100%, maybe you should steer clear of current events for a while. It's enough to send the strongest man reeling...