วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 12, 2552

Mayor Mike Appeases Terror

Gee, you would think, someone tries to blow up your city, maybe you would think twice before breaking bread with him...

Or, does Mike Bloomberg have Barack Obama Syndrome? As is, the history of the world started the day I ascended to power?

A controversial imam who was an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was among a group of Muslim leaders invited yesterday to a meeting with Mayor Bloomberg at City Hall.
Siraj Wahhaj has defended the convicted WTC bomb plotters, called the FBI and CIA the "real terrorists," and said he hopes all Americans eventually become Muslim.

He was among religious and civic leaders who met with Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly to discuss the deadly Fort Hood shooting spree.
Wahhaj was one of 170 people identified in 1995 as unindicted co-conspirators in the attack two years earlier. He has denied any involvement.

As he was leaving, a Channel 2 reporter asked the mayor if he was uncomfortable about Wahhaj's presence.
"I don't know. He's not here," the mayor responded. When told that Wahhaj was in fact in the meeting, Bloomberg reversed course.
"That one. Yes. We have to talk to everybody," he said. "That's what dialogue is all about. That's how you prevent tragedies."

Really? Did having Major Nidal Hasan as part of the Obama Adminsitration's transition team prevent him from going jihad and slaughtering over a dozen soldiers at Ft. Hood?

No? So why would Mayor Bloomberg take the same exact course with a man who was already involved in a heniuos terror attack, one that set afire the imagination of Islamists worldwide and set the groundwork for 9/11?

I don't get it. But I guess the Obami and the Bloombergians would tell me I'm just not smart enought to understand the intricacies of their machinations; and that this is a matter for the intellectual elite to handle, and not for folks like me to consider...

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Wahhaj should have had some accidental NYC justice and ironically been run over by a bus.

78W x15