วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 05, 2552

Massacre At Fort Hood - a Jihad?

[updated below - "Authorities had concerns about suspect"? Gee, now you tell us]
OK, I'm going to update this when more info comes in, but right now I'm hearing that the one soldier captured was a Major Malik Nadal Hasan of Virginia, a convert to Islam who reportedly was unhappy about having to deploy (to Iraq? Afghanistan? )

Not at a TV, but I hear lots of newsmen and politicians are refusing to give out the name of the shooter. Guess they think us dumb folks will go into a redneck rage (just like after 9/11, right).

At least two others involved...is this homegrown or from the outside? I cannot imagine three soldiers going nuts and shooting up their fellow comrades without some serious ideological motivation...

But it's a religion of peace, right? The peace of the frickin' grave....

More to follow.....

UPDATE: I'll bet Keith Olbermann is enjoying this...from
a speech given in May 2007, he mocks us soldiers by claiming "the people who are defending us" against the threat of terrorist attack are misguided or overzealous or suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder".

He also mocked the arrest of the six Islamics who were planning to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey as unwarranted:

..the current "terror plot" unquote to attack Fort Dix in New Jersey, posed as pizza delivery men, were going to shut off power and who decided to train and take videos of themselves in the Poconos and then have the video transfered to DVD at Circuit City. Anybody in the room see anything less than terrorizing (laughter), terrible in the plot or the individuals mentioned therein, anybody else but me see that and literally that's it, that's the whole thread, if it doesn't add up it's incumbent on all of us to just say you know the math just doesn't work here.

UPDATE II: AP reports Hasan, believed to be in his late 30s, was killed after opening fire at the base...Authorities killed the gunman, and apprehended two other soldiers suspected ....

Let's get the names of the mystery two...

UPDATE III Lone gunman?

Army major was about to deploy overseas, though it was unclear if he was headed to Iraq or Afghanistan and when he was scheduled to leave.

Military officials say Hasan, 39, was a psychiatrist at Walter Reed Army Medical Center for six years before being transferred to the Texas base in July. The officials, who had access to Hasan's military record, said he received a poor performance evaluation while at Walter Reed....

(did he blame America for that?)

The Army psychiatrist suspected of carrying a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, had come to the attention of authorities six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats, law enforcement officials said Thursday.

Retired Army Col. Terry Lee told Fox News that he worked with Hasan, who had hoped Obama would pull troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Lee said Hasan got into frequent arguments with others in the military who supported the wars, and had tried hard to prevent his pending deployment.

Looks to me as if an excessively PC-military got its own soldiers killed...

UPDATE VI: He's alive!

The gunman, first said to have been killed, was wounded but alive and in stable condition under military guard, said Lt. Gen. Bob Cone at Fort Hood. "I would say his death is not imminent," Cone said. Col. Ben Danner said the suspect was shot at least four times.

Oh, I am very interested in hearing what Mr. Hasan has to say...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Jim - PRS กล่าวว่า...

He will, no doubt, say nothing, availing himself of the protection afforded by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the document created by the Great Satan.