วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 13, 2552

Obama/Nazi...in Boston?

But...this is Taxachusetts! They love Obama up there! Right? Right...?

Someone carved the letter
"I" then a swastika and the word "Obama" on the 18th hole at the Lakeville Country Club. It was discovered early Monday morning by greens keepers...

Obama's not a Nazi. Sure, he hates Jews, believes in national socialism, and wants everyone to drive a Volkswagon. But...

We really should stop the comparisons to Hitler. After all, at least Hitler got the Olympics to come to Berlin...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Jkw กล่าวว่า...

at least Hitler got the Olympics to come to Berlin...


Publius กล่าวว่า...

It is taxachusetts, and what you have here are a ton of people with no outlet for their hate. Bush is gone. It's still fun to watch them still blame everything on Bush, but even they recognize that it is getting old.

What your readers need to understand is that the epithet was carved into a golf green. Even by the looney lefts own stereotype of typical Republican, conservative, or basically whoever doesn't agree with Obama, no self-respecting wall street racist would ever desecrate a golf green.

Just like the militant gay guy from Boulder who attacked democratic headquarters, this is another laughable attempt to project the hate at the core of the Obamunists onto the free-market supporters who oppose Obama.