วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 30, 2552

Obama Orders The Troops Into NY-23 !

Oh, man! You just know Dear Leader is scared shitz, because he's finally ordering the troops into action to win war of necessity.

No, not Afghanistan! It's his ass on the line, dammit! And thus his jackbooted thugs are so ordered to deploy into Upstate New York to forcefully squash an uprising:

...the Democratic Party is now focusing its campaign efforts directly at Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in the crucial upstate New York special election...

Hoffman campaign sources expect Owens to bring in hundreds of professional party operatives and labor-union campaigners to work in the 23rd District this weekend and continuing through Election Day, now just four days away.

The offices of the Clinton County Democratic Party here in Plattsburgh -- Owens' hometown -- were busy this afternoon... Staffers were preparing to distribute stacks of door-hanger GOTV cards that tout President Obama's endorsement of Owens, telling voters: "Those standing in the way of Change want you to say home on Tuesday -- don't let them win."

It's all a bit...3rd-Worldish, isn't it?

And not to mention rather insightful - using the image and language of restraint by physical force ("Standing in the way...want you to stay home") is bad enough, but by the bringer of hope and change, of all people?

Oh, well. Maybe the lower-left photo of The One gazing over a limitless horizon, alit only by his beneficent smile will convince enough Democrats to come out and vote for Mr. Owens. If not, these bulky men from "The Union" will be more than happy to show you the way...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Publius กล่าวว่า...

What a difference a day makes. The GOP candidate has dropped out leaving one conservative. Sorry Barry, but the few dems up there really should just stay home.