วันพฤหัสบดี, ตุลาคม 22, 2552

Obama Comes To Jersey; Jobs Vanish Immediately...

President Obama came to New Jersey yesterday to shore up the desperate hopes of mud-slinging millionaire Jon Corzine. And what did he accomplish, besides turning my daily miserable 90 minute commute into a 2-hour+ nightmare?

President Obama came to Farleigh Dickinson University to try to help Corzine get re-elected and to protect the Democrats nationally because a failure here will reflect on Obama. But ironically, the event caused a long-planned Career Fair to be canceled. So while Corzine was contending he saw it coming and helped New Jersey avoid economic crisis, kids with big college loans trying to find jobs were left up the creek.

As far as economics go, the two of these assclowns combined don't equal one idiot. Take a look at what Obama's stimulus plan (enthusiastically supported by Corzine) has done for New Jersey, in terms of jobs promised, and jobs delivered:

New Jersey: Estimated Changes in Jobs Due to Stimulus: +100,000

New Jersey: Actual Changes in Jobs through 10/1/09: -55,600

Well, I guess a swing of -155,000 jobs is as good of a reason as any to put our kids into debt for life...

And what has Corzine done to help matters in his tenure?

Foreclosure rates in northern New Jersey are doubling from last year. The FBI is literally arresting corrupt politicians by the busload. For the last four years, the state has been ranked among the highest in the nation for number of residents moving elsewhere...The state has the third-highest insurance rates in the country, with eight insurers proposing additional rate hikes this year, some more than 15 percent.

This is the result of Corzine "seeing it coming"? Jeez, these two guys are the tag-team "brothers of destruction". Can't we put Obamazine on a C-130 and drop them into Afghanistan?

Coming to rape and pillage an economy near you...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Is Christie still ahead? I'm getting nervous about these elections.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Oh, it's gonna be a nail-biter, Miss Miranda. But I believe that in the end, in the voting booth, there will be just enough people that simply will not be able pull the lever for Corzine. Again. Just enough to give Christie a narrow (2-3%) margin of victory...

You heard it here first!

Foreclosure Listings กล่าวว่า...

Well I believe the election of this politician can turn into something positive to the region, too much affected by the foreclosure situation