วันเสาร์, ตุลาคม 03, 2552

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Self-Hating Jew?

While I would like to see this story sourced a little bit better, it certainly does explain a lot:

A photograph of the Iranian president holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 clearly shows his family has Jewish roots.
A close-up of the document reveals he was previously known as Sabourjian – a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver.

The short note scrawled on the card suggests his family changed its name to Ahmadinejad when they converted to embrace Islam after his birth.

The Sabourjians traditionally hail from Aradan, Mr Ahmadinejad's birthplace, and the name derives from "weaver of the Sabour", the name for the Jewish Tallit shawl in Persia. The name is even on the list of reserved names for Iranian Jews compiled by Iran's Ministry of the Interior.

Experts last night suggested Mr Ahmadinejad's track record for hate-filled attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past....

And it creates a perfect circle of imperfect allies in the farce that is the current round of talks with the Iranian state.. Ahmadinejad's anti-Israeli lunatic rants - brought on by a desperate attempt to separate himself from his heritage - are likely no different than the anti-Israeli lunatic rants that Barack Obama heard for twenty years while worshipping at the feet of the the Reverend of Hate, Jeremiah Wright. So it would seem natural to Obama to feel a certain kinship with Ahmadinejad; and that he would believe they have "much to discuss".

And American Jews - who support Obama by a greater margin than any other group save African Americans - are also ashamed of Israel, as they feel that nation's aggressive stance towards its tormentors tarnishes their own liberal "bona fides" in this country. So the last thing they would do is urge a strike on Iran, and the first thing they would do is support talks with Ahmadinejad - after all, he is as embarrassed by the state of Israel as they are.

Throw into the mix a cadre of presidential advisers and State Department hacks that have been "Arabists" since their college days, and you complete a bizarre circle of people who feel that Israel has it coming, and if we can't talk the Iranians out of nuking the place, well, then...the Jews just brought it on themselves anyway(with their intolerant habit of fighting back), and maybe with them out of the way, we can clean up this messy region and just deal with a single Islamic ruler, who will obviously heel to us since we understand him so well.

So we have come down to this. Israel is threatened to be destroyed by a self-loathing Islamic Jew and a weak American president, with the tactic support of most of the American Jewish community.

Sound crazy? So did the idea that an Austrian postcard painter could one day rule Germany and engineer a Holocaust...

4 ความคิดเห็น:

Anorak กล่าวว่า...

He’s got Short Jew Syndrome. He’s pitching his idea for a televised World War III to the UN. Some nod. Others walk out. Mad Mori goes on and on until a happy few get the joke. If he weren’t a politican how could Mori get his crazy comedy in the mainstream media? Politics is just the means to his comedy career.


ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

LOFL !!!!

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...
The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Sorry, I ususally don't delete commnets, but if you can't make a point without using the "C" word (more offensive here in the US than in the UK, my politically correct friends), then don't bother...