วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 19, 2552

A Lifetime of Mistakes for One Man, One Day of Gaffes for Obama

"How much damage could Barack Obama do in four years to the great and powerful United States?" is a thought I reassured myself with shortly after his election...

Four years? Now one can smartly only survey the damage in days, not years, and hope the Union survives until tomorrow. And this post is just on the international front, not the domestic, where Obama wages war on the wealth of a nation...

Let's start in Germany, as the disappointed der Spiegel wails like a jilted lover:

Citing government sources in Berlin, Reuters reported on Friday that Obama will not attend the anniversary festivities marking two decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The event will take place on Nov. 9 -- just two days before Obama embarks on a long-planned trip to Asia on Nov. 11.

Berlin is going all out for the anniversary, with such luminaries as Kofi Annan, Mikhail Gorbachev and Lech Walesa expected to be in attendance...

No wonder Barack is bailing out of that one - can you see him standing there with such men as Lech Walesa and Mikhail Gorbachev? A child amongst giants, and one who may have preferred the policies of those on the East side of the Wall to boot....

Next up we have the State Department coddling the Iranians after they experience a bit of well-deserved karmic retribution as a couple of Revolutionary Guards get blown to pieces:

“We condemn this act of terrorism and mourn the loss of innocent lives,” State Department Spokesman Ian Kelly said in a statement in Washington.

“Reports of alleged US involvement are completely false,” he added.

Seems less like terrorism to me and more like a legal attack on a government paramilitary group who has actively hunted and killed Iranian dissidents, not to mention facilitated attacks on American soldiers throughout the Iraq War. Maybe it's something about the word "Revolutionary" that gives the Obama administration a hard-on and prevent them from thinking clearly about who they are supporting. Then again, maybe they are thinking clearly (see Dunn, Anita)...

And finally, in Afghanistan - "The Good War (circa Fall 2008)" - we see the Decider has been replaced by Prince Hamlet:

The White House has said that it will take no decision on sending more troops to Afghanistan until it determines the new government is a “true partner”.

Delay, delay, delay...while liberals love the work of Shakespeare (keeps them elite, don't you know), they seem to forget that many a tale ends in tragedy, or farce. Not a great role for a president to play....

Feel a cold chill up you spine? It's because Obama, having surveyed the damage he has done overseas to the causes of peace and democracy and declaring it is good, is now going to cast his eyes upon your health care plan...

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Publius กล่าวว่า...

Standing next to Nobel Peace Prize winners Mikhail Gorbachev and Lech Walesa would only highlight the fact that Ronald Reagan deserved one but was snubbed by leftist elites.

It would be great conversation if he went though...."Let's see, I broke Poland free from Communism, Mikhail over there got his prize for surrendering to Reagan.....what did you do? Did you surrender to someone already?"