วันเสาร์, ตุลาคม 24, 2552

But It's Still OK to Compare Bush To Hitler!

NPR analyst compares Obama to Nixon, issues full apology

Because in the Age of the One, the truth is what Barack Obama says it is...imagine the heat NPR political Director Ken Rudin got for saying the following, in regards to the administration's jihad against FOX:

"It's not only aggressive, it's almost Nixonesque," Rudin said. "I mean, you think of what Nixon and Agnew did with their enemies list and their attacks on the media; certainly Vice President Agnew's constant denunciation of the media. Of course, then it was a conservative president denouncing a liberal media, and of course, a lot of good liberals said, 'Oh, that's ridiculous. That's an infringement on the freedom of press.' And now you see a lot of liberals almost kind of applauding what the White House is doing to Fox News, which I think is distressing."

Man oh man, Rudin must have gotten an earful (remember, NPR is government-subsidized radio), because less than 24 hours later, he was on his knees, rending his garments, groveling....

Courage, Ken...courage....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Publius กล่าวว่า...

Wow! I guess even making the argument that other news outlets had already made the 'Nixonian' and 'enemies list' observation wouldn't have helped him out.

Add yet another example of the Chicago gangs intimidation tactics


The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

This is what happens when the government funds the media...imagine if the newspaapers get a bailout, how subserviant they'd have to be?