วันอังคาร, พฤษภาคม 15, 2550

After co-ordinating with Nancy Pelosi...

...Mohamad al-Janabi, al-Qaeda big shot in the Mahmudiyah area of Iraq (where the three missing US soldiers were recently abducted), spoke to his friends in the mainstream media - via the Washington Post:

Mohamad al-Janabi, a reputed al-Qaeda member in the nearby city of Salman Pak, said in a telephone interview that he was unable to contact his comrades in Mahmudiyah to determine whether they were responsible for the attack.
But he added: "I can assure you that we will start pressuring Bush in a new way at the same time he is facing pressures from the Democrats and the American people. And there will be no problem to sacrifice 10 soldiers in order to abduct a single American soldier and get him on television screens begging for us to release him."

Is this what Pelosi and her ilk mean by 'multilateralism"?
And I thought al-Qaeda wasn't even in Iraq! At least, that's what the Democrats keep telling me....so in other words, they want us to retreat from the folks who perpetrated 9/11? Nah, can't be - after all, I don't want to question their patriotism!

Aldaynet adds another thought:

Is anyone else wondering why the Washington Post can casually know both the location of Al-Queda members in Iraq, but also have them on speed dial?

Ace of Spades asks the following:

Question: Would these tapes be considered a "coordinated" media buy for the Democrats under McCain-Feingold? Will the FEC investigate?

The New York Post, in an editorial:

How often has President Bush warned of a strong al Qaeda presence in Iraq - to derisory hoots from such critics as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi?

Well, yesterday, al-Qaeda-that's-not-in-Iraq issued a press release - boasting of having taken three American GIs captive in Iraq, and threatening to kill them if U.S. forces continue to hunt for them.

The warning recalls Pelosi's words from 2006; she said she felt "sad" over President Bush's insistence that al Qaeda is operating in Iraq.
Or Reid, who recently called on the president to "change course [away from Iraq] and turn our attention back to the war on al Qaeda and their allies."

Every death in service to America is a tragedy, but - as the president has said many times in the past - it is better to be fighting al Qaeda in the alleyways of Baghdad than the streets of New York. Bush needn't be bashful about this. Indeed, now that al Qaeda-in-Iraq has taken to issuing press releases, it's time for some strong presidential counter-points

It's vital - vital - for GWB to start communicating about the seriousness of this war against al-Qaeda, instead of constantly being on the defensive, or the Democrats will force our nation into defeat by year's end.

Thanks to
Fausta for getting me started...

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I don't care, I will question their patriotism right here right now:


Why else would Pelosi and Reid keep denying the existance of al-qaeda in Iraq while the group is handing out press releases on its military victories in-country? Get credit for pulling out the troops, lose the war, blame it on Bush, and hold Iraq up as an example of why military intervention is never warrented. Then strip down/weaken the US military, and hand over most major foreign policy decisons to UN or EU in order to be multilateral, which to the Democrats is more important then being right.

I think this type of politcal action, denying the existence of an enemy while they kill/capture troops on the battlefield, is unprecedented in American history.
What a shameful moment.