วันเสาร์, เมษายน 14, 2550

We are ALL Don Imus Now....

In today's New York Post - one can't help but see the similarities:

Famed celebrity lawyer Raoul Felder should resign or be ousted as head of the powerful state Commission on Judicial Conduct because his new book "invokes racial, ethnic and religious invective," commission members unanimously declared yesterday.

The unprecedented action by nine members of the 33-year-old commission - which has the power to recommend judges be kicked off the bench - came in the wake of Felder's publication with co-author and famed comedian Jackie Mason of "Schmucks: Our Favorite Fakes, Frauds, Lowlifes, Liars, the Armed and Dangerous and Good Guys Gone Bad."
Commission members said they were "exploring our options in terms of removing him as chair."

Reached by The Post, a defiant Felder declared, "I'm not Imus"...

Oh, really?
Please to note the title of this post....anyway, the stupidity continues:

The commission members...contended that "much of the material" in the book "undermine[s] the appearance of impartiality and the dignity and probity that is required of the commission chair.
"Although the book purports to be a work of humor, much of it is crude, biased, vulgar and otherwise demeaning," the statement continued.

The commission members contended the book "repeatedly" used racial, ethnic and religious invective, claims "nothing in our country is more insidious than affirmative action," and argues that whenever the word "allegedly" is used in legal matters "you can bet it's true."

Ah, so now daring to challenge a liberal policy is grounds for dismissal? Interesting....

Well, thank Don Imus - for sucking up to some of the nastiest leftist race-baiters in the business. Once you empower them, you disenfrachise everyone else. From yesterday's
Opinion Journal:

It's clear that the networks fired Imus not because what he said was unacceptable but because the controversy it stirred up was not going to go away. This means that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson--two men whose bigotry has done a thousandfold more harm than Imus's--are able to declare victory and pose as moral arbiters.

Thanks, Don. I always thought you were a jackass; your actions after you got busted for the "nappy ho's" comments - which were no better or worse than the
other bilge that comes out of your mouth on a daily basis - confirmed your status. I cannot grasp what you hoped to accomplish by seeking the forgiveness of an unrepentant racist (Tawana Brawley ? Freddy's Fashion Mart ?), but perhaps your current unemployment is just desserts for taking advice from the liberal cadres that appear on your show and, up until about a week ago, were all your best friends.

And now, with Sharpton's blessing, all the other racists are coming out of the closet and having a field day - Eugene Robinson at the
Washington Post makes excuses for "black on black" racism, while bashing Whitey:

For young black hip-hop artists to use such language to demean black women is similarly deplorable -- and, I would argue, even more damaging. But come on, people, don't deceive yourselves that it's precisely the same thing.

It's not - it's worse. The equivalent to the self-loathing Jew, perhaps? Racist Robinson rambles on:

Now, white people can't say "nappy-headed hos." You'll survive.

F*ck you, Eugene. And although I don't have a racist bone in my body, I'll say it to defy you:


Don't mess with my freedom of speech, Eugene. But I guess we can all thank Don Imus for this - for Mr. Felder losing his position for criticizing affirmative action, for Eugene telling me what I can and cannot say, and for all the other restrictions that will soon come down upon on "free" speech. Impolite will now become illegal. Welcome to liberal America.

Commentary from
Joe R. Hicks, who disagrees with fellow WaPost columnist Robinson and asks that we please drop the race card:

...we are confronted with the specter of individuals who have little in the way of moral credibility, and have themselves made bigoted public comments (Jackson called New York "Hymietown" and Sharpton referred to Jews as "diamond merchants") now presenting themselves as arbiters of public morality and good taste in broadcasting. This, combined with the reality of today's hip-hop and gangsta rap CDs and videos, which commonly use bigoted, misogynistic lyrics that make the assault on Imus appear hypocritical in the extreme.

This is more than just a double standard; it is an agenda of racial opportunism that promotes the view that blacks are powerless victims of white racism. In this view, blacks are always in need of government intervention to save them from white hostility.

Gee, now what political class has that agenda? Thanks again Imus, you flippin' jackass, for empowering them all...

UPDATE 4/15: More fallout?

Entertainer Don Ho dies at 76

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Ooooh! You said "nappy-headed ho's"!
I'M TELLING !!! I'm calling the Revs Sharpies and Jessie, I'm going to alert the MSM, and I 'm gonna get Nancy Pelosi to pass a law!!!!

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SOunds like the Americans (and the American Media) are doing what they do best - taking down a celebrity, whom was never quite deserving of the buildup he recieved in the first place.
He'll be back on-air in just over a year, welcomed back as some type of avenging hero by a suddenly adoring media.
Pathetic, every aspect of this theatre.