วันเสาร์, เมษายน 07, 2550

New Jersey's Future? Just Look at Michigan...

This idea, proposed by the Democratic head of the Michigan House of Representatives, is so wacked-out that it could have come out of the mouth of any left-wing Jersey hack...from an editorial in The Detroit News:

We have come to the conclusion that the crisis Michigan faces is not a shortage of revenue, but an excess of idiocy. Facing a budget deficit that has passed the $1 billion mark, House Democrats Thursday offered a spending plan that would buy a MP3 player or iPod for every school child in Michigan.
No cost estimate was attached to their hare-brained idea to "invest" in education. Details, we are promised, will follow.

Their plan goes beyond cluelessness. Democrats are either entirely indifferent to the idea that extreme hard times demand extreme belt tightening, or they are bone stupid. We lean toward the latter.
We say that because the House plan also keeps alive, again without specifics, the promise of tax hikes.
The range of options, according to Rep. Steve Tobocman, D-Detroit, includes raising the income tax, levying a 6 percent tax on some services, and taxing junk food and soda.

We wonder how financially strained Michigan residents will feel about paying higher taxes to buy someone else's kid an iPod...

Just substitute New Jersey for Michigan, and Newark for Detoit, and this story could be happening (or will be happening) in our happy little state at any time now. I mean, why not? Think about the low self-esteem of the poor students who don't have an iPod! Liberal idiots to the rescue!

While trying to find more on this story, I stumbled upon the LunchBucket Conservative, who has more on the liberal Democrats'
Michigan Follies:

Speaker Dillon on Thursday unveils his new tax on power utilities and plan to eliminate customer choice by returning to the old monopolies, and already one of Michigan’s incumbent power companies is trying to get its nose in the tent with a request for a $143.5 million rate increase.

At least the Michigan Republicans are trying to stand up to the Democrats and their equally mentally deficient Governor Jennifer Granholm (D); striking down the following proposed
statewide tax increases:

They made the tough call to cut spending in order to bring some sanity to Michigan’s budget. And for good measure, they struck down Governor Granholm’s ill-conceived 2-cent tax on haircuts…movies…golf…home sales…funerals…accounting services…laundromats…alterations….well, you get the picture. Anytime 2-cents add up to $1.5 billion we should all be very scared.

Why do I feel like Governor Corzine - who is doing his part to lead New Jersey down Michigan's road to ruin - is taking notes right now...

"Wow, taxing movie tickets and haircuts! Pure brilliance ! I can't believe we didn't think of that ! "

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Living in Jersey, I often feel as if I am a passenger on the Titanic, with suicidal maniacs for a captain and crew.

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tea party www.wctaxpayers.org

Governor and Taxspenders to Taxpayers: GAME ON!

Last week, a Lansing reporter informed Leon Drolet that a Governor's staffer had told him that the Gov was aware of the April 18 Taxpayer Teabag protest planned at the Capitol - and was preparing a "surprise" for protesters.

What "surprise"?

Turns out that the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) have moved up their lobby day in Lansing to coincide with our tax protest. They support Granholm's plan to mandate government preschool for all children. And they are not alone. An organization called "Artserve", which supports more tax dollars being spent on art, has also changed the day and time of their lobby day to April 18.

It appears those that demand more and more spending and higher taxes will try to outdo taxpayers that day. According to the AFT Michigan website, they are planning to bus public school teachers in from around the state.

It is now even more important than ever to spread the word to all taxpayers about the Taxpayer Protest Rally! Everyday taxpayers need to show up at the Capitol in Lansing on April 18, bring a teabag that we will deliver to the Governor, and tell Lansing politicians to balance their budget by cutting spending and enacting reforms; NOT BY RAISING TAXES ON CITIZENS! Get to the Capitol around 10:00am. Rally starts at 11:00am, but you will need time to park.

Taxspenders are planning to hijack this rally, and demand more and more of YOUR money. We cannot allow the voices of everyday taxpayers to be drowned out. Take the day off work, clear the calendar, gather your family and friends, and head to Lansing on April 18! Join Michigan Taxpayers Alliance, Americans for Prosperity, The Wayne County Taxpayers, The Kalamazoo Taxpayers and others grassroots organizations make Lansing understand we want no more taxes.

Rose Bogaert, Chair
Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.