วันจันทร์, เมษายน 23, 2550

Corzine Crash: More Broken Laws, More Broken Hearts

Yeah, we know that Corzine's 's vehicle was going 26 mph over the speed limit (a mandatory court appearance in some townships, in addition to a hefty fine/ticket), and we know that he wasn't wearing a seat belt (which quota-hungry Jersey cops pull over soccer moms and working dads for exclusively), but let's go for the Jersey Trifecta, shall we: three broken laws, and a sex scandal!

The State Police are investigating whether the trooper driving Gov. Jon Corzine at the time of last week's crash was distracted by an ongoing, bitter dispute with another police officer over a woman.

As to
[Trooper Robert] Rasinski, investigators are now looking into whether he was communicating with the unidentified officer from Union County, either by phone or mobile e-mail device, while he was driving the governor or just before, according to Davy Jones, president of the State Troopers Fraternal Association.
"Rob's dating a girl, whose soon-to-be-ex is a cop in Union County. That guy made an allegation. Affairs of the heart are always very, very difficult," Jones said.

Rasinski has already been questioned about the dispute and possible distractions and additional questioning is anticipated, Jones said.
"What I do know is that they asked the obvious questions about distractions: 'Were you on the phone?' Or that the kid was on his BlackBerry," Jones said. "I can tell you, they don't get BlackBerries. Only the supervisors get BlackBerries...

Only the supervisors get "Blackberries" [nice edit, Star-Ledger].

My God, was has this f*ck'd-up state wrought?

More state-trooper mayhem
here {may need to scroll up a bit}...

And some additional analysis on a state's angry response to a still virtually comatose governor

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

What an absolute disgrace.
Somehow, this guy will make McGreevy look good...

Erica กล่าวว่า...

"Somehow, this guy will make McGreevy look good..."

Or, they will take turns alternating, who makes who look more ridiculous.