วันพฤหัสบดี, กุมภาพันธ์ 01, 2550

This is how we do it in San Fran...

...from the proud home, ground-freakin'-zero, of liberal morality, we see the way the leadership conducts itself:

SAN FRANCISCO - Mayor Gavin Newsom apologized Thursday for having a sexual relationship with his former campaign manager’s wife.
“I’m deeply sorry,” Newsom said during a brief news conference at City Hall the day after the aide resigned. Newsom appeared poised but visibly emotional. He spoke for about a minute and left without taking questions.

Newsom acknowledged that he had the affair first reported Wednesday night on the San Francisco Chronicle’s Web site and apologized for what he called “a lapse of judgment.”
“I want to make it clear that everything you’ve read is true and I’m deeply sorry about that,” he said. “I hurt someone I care deeply about, Alex Tourk and his family and friends, and that is something I’m deeply sad about and sorry for.”

Tourk served as Newsom’s deputy chief of staff until September, when he became manager of the re-election campaign.
After his wife told him about the affair, Tourk approached the mayor about it, then resigned.

This is what Nancy Pelosi is promising to bring to the rest of America - the morality of the left. This is the behavior that they won't condemn, and refuse to judge. I mean, after all, he did say he was sorry...doesn't that pay all?
Good stuff.

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

He SAID he was sorry!
What else do you want from the man?

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

He SAID he was sorry!
What else do you want from the man?

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

at least this sf mayor is straight