วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 25, 2550

Anti-Semites Protest Play about...Anti-Semites?

From today's New York Post:

THE Jewish Theater of New York... is in hot water again. The Polish Embassy is up in arms over its upcoming "Last Jew in Europe," Tuvia Tenenbom's tragicomedy about "closet Jews living in a present-day Poland where anti-Semitism is rampant and calls to send Jews to gas chambers go unchallenged."
The embassy says the play could turn American Jews against the Poles and claims that some of the anti-Semitic graffiti photographed in Lodz to publicize the production might have been created by theater staffers.
Tenenbom, whose play opens March 4, calls the charges "wholly insulting and quite unproductive . . . the most horrific of anti-Semitic slurs can be seen today in almost every street in Lodz."

Seems like the Polish Embassy is more concerned about perception than reality; or just afraid of what the infamous Jewish/Zionist lobby might do to their U.S. aid packages should this information get into wider circulation...

Well, there is some documentation here and here, but it dates back a few years. Read here for a slightly more positive outlook...

Yet whom could deny that the "Last Jew..." doesn't sound like an European snuff fantasy flick?
