วันพุธ, กุมภาพันธ์ 07, 2550

Hillary, Part III

Seems here that Hillary is doing something right for a change; but my distrust of her calculating persona runs so deep that I am forced to ask, "What's in it for her?".
Pajamas reports:

On Thursday, February 8, 2007, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will join with Palestinian Media Watch Director Itamar Marcus and Associate Director Barbara Crook, to release a new report detailing the continuing anti-Israel bias in school textbooks produced by the Palestinian Authority.” (
Palestinian Media Watch press release)

Roger Simon comments:

...I think it's obvious to most of us that preaching racism in children's texts is a particularly horrifying form of child abuse - it's part of what turns people into suicide bombers.

But I'm especially glad that it is Senator Clinton, a Democratic Party liberal, speaking out for once. People can say it's just because she's running for President and courting the Jewish vote. But she's a politician. That's what she does. And the world situation makes it mandatory that people who describe themselves as liberals begin to own the gravity of the struggle as well and speak out.

Does she understand? Or will she garner Jewish votes, then sell them down the river like 'ol Bill did, courting terrorists and forcing ill-designed "peace" plans onto Israel?

And if she does understand, why has she essentially set a firm
pullout date for American forces in Iraq? Someone who grasps the "gravity" that Simon speaks of would know that call is fraught with peril.

I'm curious to see what Mrs. C. is going to do with her Palestinian Media Watch "position", and how she will go about chatising the liberal's favorite terrorists over what Simon rightly considers child abuse. You think you got guts, Senator? Let's see if you can call it as you see it....
