วันเสาร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 17, 2550

Scoundrels !

Ralph Peters, in today's New York Post, on the Democrats:

PROVIDING aid and comfort to the enemy in wartime is treason. It's not "just politics." It's treason.
And signaling our enemies that Congress wants them to win isn't "supporting our troops."
The "nonbinding resolution" telling the world that we intend to surrender to terrorism and abandon Iraq may be the most disgraceful congressional action since the Democratic Party united to defend slavery.

The Washington Post practically jumps for joy at this development; of course they have made it clear for some time that they would rather see America defeated in Iraq than have President Bush appear victorious, so their cheerleading for treason is to be expected...

And speaking of slavery - since the donkeys can't defend that any longer, they keep the blacks on the plantation by ingraining them with victimization, something they can fall back on when the left drags them into scandal:

The key black South Carolina leader who scored a big payday for his consulting firm just before he endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid said any allegations of impropriety are laced with racism.
"I'm somewhat offended in the sense that . . . the national media thinks that an African-American in my position cannot support a candidate without being paid off," huffed state Sen. Darrell Jackson, a well-connected lawmaker and pastor whose support is coveted by national campaigns.
His public-relations and consulting firm, Sunrise Enterprises, snagged a deal with Clinton's campaign for $10,000 per month through the 2008 primary.

Ah, with the Clintons around, it's 1994 all over again - just what Hillary thinks the voters are looking for in 2008...
Hey Hil, remember what happened in '94? Salivating Republicans do....

Or is this a repeat of 1975, when Saigon fell after a Democratic Congress cut funds for Vietnam? Yeah, that burnished their national security credentials. Seems like the party of "Progressives" is actually more than a bit regressive....
