วันอาทิตย์, กุมภาพันธ์ 04, 2550

Slippery Sloooooooooope....

Hey, giving gay people their own set of civil rights is not a slippery slope to anywhere, you homophobe! It's not as if they are going to have the right to get married or anything crazy like that! Oh.......

Well, the rolling stone down that 'ol slope is picking up speed and material like a thundering avalanche - will this Canadian trend catch on in New Jersey, newest home to judicial-imposed gay marriage? Via Relapsed Catholic, we get the ultimate PC persecution in the name of gay rights:

A Saskatchewan marriage commissioner has told the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal that because his faith “takes first place” in his life, he cannot in conscience perform the ceremony for two homosexual men. In response to a complaint filed against him under the Charter of Rights, Orville Nichols said “I couldn't sleep or live with myself if I were to perform same sex marriages.”

The National Post reports today that Mr. Nichols was cited by two homosexual men in Regina in a formal complaint that his refusal to “marry” them amounts to illegal discrimination...When the two men contacted him, Mr. Nichols told them that he could not perform a same-sex ceremony because it conflicted with his religious beliefs and referred them to another commissioner...

The Saskatchewan Justice ministry has said it will remove all marriage commissioners from office who will not perform the civil ceremony for homosexual partners and is awaiting the outcome of this Human Rights Tribunal case to decide whether to remove Mr. Nichols from the list.

In Canada’s Human Rights Commission system, the person filing the complaint has his entire legal expense covered by the government. The system, says critics, is outside the normal and universally accepted requirements for due process and is increasingly being used by homosexual activists to persecute opponents.

What's next, forcing doctors at gunpoint to perform abortions?
With the government's finger on the trigger, to boot...?

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

save us mr harper...the nut's are trying to take over ....