วันเสาร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 10, 2550

But...I was told we weren't fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq?

Report from the Marines of 4th Platoon, Golf Company:

Under the command of Captain Mark Broekhuizen, Golf 2/8 had been making slow inroads in Saqliwiah (“sack-la-wee-ah”), a village on the northwestern outskirts of Fallujah...

AQI is both feared and hated,” Capt Broekhuizen said, referring to Al Qaeda in Iraq. “They’ve been running a brutal terror campaign. No city leaders are left here who will take a leadership role.” Marines from Golf Company said they recently fished two bodies out of the local river: a man had been decapitated, and his 4-year old tied to his leg before both were thrown into the river and the little boy drowned. The killings were a product of Al Qaeda terror.

Read more about a Marine victory, both militarily and diplomatically, here....

Lefties, feel free to ignore the link, stick your head back into the sand, and shriek loudly, "America and Israel are the world's true enemies!"

Just like this ostrich writing for the Washington Post:

Members of Congress have a constitutional and moral obligation to exercise their authority to stop funding President Bush's failed policy in Iraq. Not eventually, but immediately.

...so that more Iraqis will be decapitated, and thrown into the river while tied to their fathers....well, I guess former governors of Iowa know national security best....along with the editorial page writers of the Washinton ComPost, of course. Nevertheless, all good Democrats know there are more important things to worry about, anyway...

Update: Before the recent revisionist history by the MSM, they reported openly and often on the Iraq/al-Qaeda connections. Video at Powerline, for those brave enough to pull their heads out of the sand...

2 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Worse still, is that the Washington Post consistantly digs and digs for anti-American, anti-war voices on its editorial pages (yesterday I saw the ex-head of VOA bitching that misuse of the airwaves have cost us the war), and there seems to be no thought at all with reconciling these voices with some of the "facts on the ground".
Actually, it doesn't seem like the WaPost is interested in facts at all; they seem to hope the overwhelming chorus of boobs like Vsilac will outweigh the truth.

And sadly, it seems as if they will succeed in pulling defeat out of the jaws of victory. Unbelievable, and perhaps unprecedented.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Have you lost your mind. At what point do you see a victory on any level. Our best military minds are all saying that this is entirely up the the Iraqi's. Yes, Iraqi's are dieing. But this is a religious blood bath that most in this country don't have a clue how to understand. We should do our best to keep peace as best as possible until the Iraqi's can get there collective heads out of there asses and fight back. IF, that that is a big if, this happens this will not happen for at least 10 years. That is the usual time most civil wars last before they get wise to the fact that each side is doing nothing but butchering each other with no hope of victory. They will then sit down and settle there differences with some intelligence. No american including you will sit back and have americans die for 10 years for someone elses problem. Not to mention, we are doing nothing but handing Iraq to Iran with this present idiot in charge. If we had been smart to begin with we would have thrown all our resources at Iran. This would have kept Iraq in check with out having to step one foot in the country.