วันอังคาร, มกราคม 02, 2550

A Potpourri of Posts...

....since I am too bereft of ideas to offer any of my own tonight.

First, we give you Erica's Blog, in which we are told the tale of an idealistic young Jewish girl, ready to throw away fear, prejudice, and stereotypes in order to help a friendly young Arabic fellow learn some Hebrew, until.....

May I also present the Brussels Journal, who informs us that Bristish Muslims are refusing to wash their hands while visiting sick relatives in hospitals ( a precaution initiated in order to stop the spread of "superbugs" such as MRSA and PVL). Why? Well, see, they refuse to use the hand cleansers on religious grounds because they contain alcohol.
So we all risk a 21st century plague because of a 12th century mentality. Any wonder that the Middle East never moved out of the Middle Ages? What's next, leeches?

{NHS care assistant Theresa Poupa, 46, became aware of the situation while visiting a sick cousin at the London Chest Hospital in Bethnal Green.
She said: “I could not believe it - the signs are large enough and clear enough but they just took no notice and walked straight onto the ward

The European Union! Good God ! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
According to Western Resistance, anyway...

Jersey girl Fausta challenges the true believers of the Cult of The Global Warming, and gets an earful. She comments on her detractors:

One of the emails explained at length why it's important that there is consensus, as if science's main concern were to build consensus instead of accurately observing, measuring and replicating results. Indeed, if they can not be measured, quantified, and replicated, your observations will never amount to science, no matter how attractive your theory might be. Building consensus is the art of the politician, not of the scientist.

Meanwhile, expect sunny skies and 50+ degree temperatures in my neck of the Garden State tomorrow. Me, I love this little warming trend. Did you know that in the 13th century, areas as far north as Greenland became farmable due to a spate of global warming, allowing foodstuffs to become more plentiful, prosperity to become more widespread, and lifespans to be extended? Oh, the horror!

Baseball Crank compare the lives, and deaths, of two very different men whom did very different things for their countries.

And finally...pork lovers, unite! The Bacon Show's motto is "one bacon recipe per day, every day, forever".
I gotta make this a permalink.....
MMMmmmmmmmmmm......bacon. For your consideration, as the final ingredient in tonight's potpourii....

4 ความคิดเห็น:

Erica กล่าวว่า...

Jersey, eh?

(*waves* from Brooklyn)

I can't tell you what a comfort it is to me to find that I'm not the only conservative solid rock in a swirling sea of liberal lunacy.

Thanks for the link, and Happy New Year.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Anytime, Miss Erica - I don't recall how I found my way to your blog, but I loooved that story and had to share!
Young girl makes friend, winds up tangled up in international intrigue as her parents shake their heads and say "oy!"? Hollywood wishes they could even invent a story that good!

Erica กล่าวว่า...

I'll take a wild guess: Jimbo?

Could you imagine being in your pajamas and the X-Flamin'-Files show up at your doorstep?

Downright surreal....

When I'm not in a mad rush to get to work, I'll blogroll ya....

Gimme a few hours.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

It must have been! The old Jersey boy network...
I'm going to "perma-link" you as well, as long as you don't mind being adjacent to "The Bacon Show"....