วันอังคาร, มกราคม 23, 2550

Corzine Feels the Heat from Right, Wing Nut!

...and vows to veto legislation (discussed here, at bottom) aimed at allowing New Jersey schools to leave Memorial Day and Veteran's Day out of their curriculum:

Declaring it was important to ensure "our kids understand the sacrifices people have made," Gov. Jon S. Corzine today vowed to veto parts of a bill that would abolish requirements New Jersey schools teach about Veterans Day and Memorial Day.Corzine said he will conditionally veto the bill that unanimously passed the Legislature in December.

Bill sponsor Sen. John Adler, D-Camden, and a bill supporter, the New Jersey School Boards Association, have said the bill wasn't meant to slight veterans, but to give schools more flexibility to decide holiday celebrations and curriculum.

Uh huh - that's why the only holidays specified were Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, and Commodore Barry Day (local Jersey hero), as well as the two mentioned above. No agenda there, right, Mr. Adler?

Well, I guess the pressure from this blog (yeah, right!) finally got to Corzine - good job, folks!

And I promise to lay off of New Jersey for a few days...I love it here, you know - it's just the godawful government that makes me crazy...

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Enlighten-NewJersey กล่าวว่า...

Keep up of the good work!

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Just trying to hold down the fort until you return to us, Enlighten....

Enlighten-NewJersey กล่าวว่า...

I don't seem able to write a sentence correctly without making a mistake, let alone an entire post. (Keep up of?) Sheesh.