วันเสาร์, มกราคม 20, 2550

Not On His Plantation

Resident Washington Post left-wing hatemonger Eugene Robinson writes his usual column of bile and bilge today, entitled "A Reality-Based State of the Union". (And if you want to read more about the psychosis of those who where that label as a badge of honor, see here). I'll just take one line out, 'cause it illustrates all:

But the state of the union is not all bad, my fellow Americans. When the president gives his speech, one of those two seats behind him will be occupied by a woman, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi -- a first, and an undeniable sign of progress. The two leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination are a woman and a black man -- more progress.

Hey jackrod, what about Condoleezza Rice? You know, former professor of political science, Stanford University Provost, member of the boards of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors?

Ever hear of her? She's a woman - a black woman! And a uniquely qualified one, based on her credentials - unlike the black presidential candidate you fail to name, Mr. Barak Obama - who has all of two years of Senate experience, and the female candidate you fear to mention, Hillary Clinton -who has all of six years of Senate experience.

If race and gender is all that matter to you-and you make it clear that is all you are considering in your march towards "progress" - than why not support an emminently qualified black woman like Condi Rice, as opposed to supporting the policy of tokenism?

Oh, yeah...I forgot....Condi is not on your plantation, so her gender, race, and myriad of amazing accomplishments fail to even exist. It doesn't matter how far a minority rises, if they hold a different set of political philosophies than racist Robinson, their triumphs count for nothing.

Great favor you are doing for the black people, Eugene....
