วันอังคาร, มกราคม 23, 2550

Oscar Documentaries - Only the Far-Left Need Apply!

Love those Oscar nominations - a parade of liberal causes, each more worthy than the next!

My Country, My Country
Can a foreign military force bring Western-style democracy to the Muslim world? For U.S. military and diplomatic planners in Iraq, the answer to both questions has been a resolute "yes." For Iraqis, these contradictions have led to tragic consequences as political uncertainty and mounting violence continue to dominate daily life more than three years after the U.S. invasion.

Iraq in Fragments – seems to be allegedly evenhanded (because American evil is always equal to the evils that terrorists do); although when Michael Moore gives it a positive review, there is always room for concern…

Deliver us From Evil - from a synopsis:

Moving from one parish to another in Northern California during the 1970s, Father Oliver O'Grady quickly won each congregation's trust and respect. Unbeknownst to them, O'Grady was a dangerously active pedophile that Church hierarchy, aware of his predilection, had harbored for over 30 years, allowing him to abuse countless children. Juxtaposing an extended, deeply unsettling interview with O'Grady himself with the tragic stories of his victims, filmmaker Amy Berg bravely exposes the deep corruption of the Catholic Church and the troubled mind of the man they sheltered

A gruesome tale, to be sure, but an easy pick as an Oscar nominee, since Catholic-bashing is all the rage and we all know that, oh, say, Muslims have never committed any wrongs that were condoned by their religion…..

Jesus Camp
– this one may be the worst of all – a commentor at
IMDB says:

This movie is the "Mein Kampf" of the Neoconservative party. You simply cannot afford to ignore it.

….and it appears that
ABC News buys into the partisan hype as well:

Speaking in tongues, weeping for salvation, praying for an end to abortion and worshipping a picture of President Bush — these are some of the activities at Pastor Becky Fischer's Bible camp in North Dakota, "Kids on Fire," subject of the provocative new documentary, "Jesus Camp."

Over the past decade and a half, enrollment at Christian colleges is up 70 percent. Sales of Christian music are up 300 percent. Tens of thousands of youth pastors have been trained.

Young people are targeted through Christian music festivals, skateboard competitions and rodeos...

Of course, in Muslim nations, this happens all the time, except their camps are full of anti-semetic and anti-Western hatred; and they actually follow through on the racist indoctrination they are given and slaughter innocents worldwide. But hey, why make a movie about an inconvenient truth when you can throw your stones at the meeker Christians, whom incidentally have not gone on a crusade in close to a thousand years? (But if you listened to the mdia, you would think it happened yesterday...)

And speaking of An Inconvenient Truth…nominated, and expected to win, as per my post here.

