วันเสาร์, มกราคม 06, 2550

Approval Ratings Continue to Sink...

...For Saintly Incoming FIRST FEMALE EVER House Speaker Nancy Pelosi??

Yup, that's right - although you wouldn't know it from the mastaburtory coverage provided to you by the mainstream media (some good examples and contrast from Gateway Pundit), Mr. Don Surber provides us with the most recent Rasmussen numbers:

45% approval for Bush
43% approval for Pelosi

So Pelosi is even less popular than Bush? How is that possible, with the papers telling me every day that Bush is the least popular thing since Jimmy Carter's gasoline rationing?

Where are the headlines about Pelosi "facing trouble implementing her aggressive liberal agenda against a rising tide of negative public opinion"?

Oh yeah...that would involve telling the truth...

Just wait until they try to defund the Iraq war....Remember how Bill Clinton smacked down Newt Gingrich in '95, despite a strong Republican mandate? Just think about how hard Pelosi's gonna hit the canvas, with a negative approval rating and an adversary like Bush, whom despite being a "chimp", still manages to outsmart the Democrats at virtually every turn...

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When Bush and Pelosi square off, and Pelosi goes down (so to speak), how will the media portray it then? As Bush defying the will of the American people, even has apparently 57% of the population do not support Pelosi or her initiatives?