วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 18, 2550

About That "100 Hours"...

From the donkey-lovers at the AP:

House Democrats crossed the finish line Thursday in their race to pass a six-bill agenda in the first 100 hours of the new Congress — getting there 13 hours ahead of schedule.

"We have delivered on our promise," Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference prematurely hailing her party's accomplishment more than two hours before the actual final vote on an energy bill capping the agenda.
Pelosi's "game" clock showed only 42 and 15 minutes of the 100 hours had elapsed when the roll call ended on the energy bill, which would reimpose $15 billion in fees, royalties and taxes on the oil industry.

Republicans complained the bills were hammered through after Democrats reneged on a campaign promise to let the opposition offer amendments and help shape legislation...

CAN YOU IMAGINE THE UPROAR... if the Republicans had slammed through a partisan agenda allowing no commentary, input, or amendments to the legislation after promising the opposition their side would get a hearing? The New York Times and Washington Post would be FROTHING with rage at this blunt wielding of newfound power. But because these acts are being performed by the Democrats, they not only get a pass, they get kudos as well....

Love the part about weakening the oil companies in a time of war and international crisis...don't ever let it be said that thoughtfulness and common sense got in the way of the Democrat's hard-left agenda. No time for debate, no talk allowed of the consequences of these new writs, just jam those babies down the people's throat! After all, the new Democratic majority is an American mandate for liberal prescriptions for what ails us, wasn't it?
Next up: socialized medicine and enviornmental Nazism!
Stay tuned....

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Bush better have that veto pen gassed up!