วันเสาร์, สิงหาคม 19, 2549

Multicultural Mayhem !

Mark Steyn makes his point (via Gates of Vienna):

Pan-Islamism is the profound challenge to conventional ideas of citizenship and nationhood. Of course, if you say that at the average Ivy League college, you'll get a big shrug: Modern multicultural man disdains to be bound by the nation state, too; he prides himself on being un citoyen du monde. The difference is that, for Western do-gooders, it's mostly a pose: They may occasionally swing by some Third World basket-case and condescend to the natives, but for the most part the multiculti set have no wish to live anywhere but an advanced Western democracy. It's a quintessential piece of leftie humbug. They may think globally, but they don't act on it.
The pan-Islamists do act...

And The Brussels Journal confirms it:

The jihadists are clearly winning their battle over the British people. In the UK, the Labour government has shown that it is more than willing to jeopardise national security in favour of its oppressive multicultural agenda. Violent Muslims – a hotchpotch of infantile soul-searching converts, theocratic barbarians and permanently incensed and uneducated nobodies – who are supposed to be living as British citizens are intending to kill the people they live among. Clearly, the European multicultural project is failing to such a degree that citizens not only possess a visceral hatred of one another but they are now at war with one another.

This seems to be the "Anarchy" that Gates of Vienna refers to in the post linked to on top; seems like the Middle East is not the only place where the Islamists are wreaking havoc upon society...

I wrote a whole post on the failure of British multiculuralism back in early June; let me bring back a quote from Melanie Phillips:

Unlike America, which still believes that its values are a beacon to the rest of the world, Britain has been consumed by a loss of cultural nerve that has all but destroyed its belief in itself as a nation with values of which it can be proud.

The doctrine of multiculturalism holds that all groups have equal status. Except they are not in fact equal, because the majority is said to be inherently racist and illegitimate - so there can be no majority culture into which immigrants are encouraged to integrate...
Multiculturalism plus radical Islam is an explosive cocktail...

Yup, Miss Phillips...you called it....

Update 8/20 448A: LGF has a story of how the British are trying to throw off the shackles of multiculturalism, and how their leaders are forcibly re-cuffing them to this philosophy of cultural suicide, here - in a story entitled Mutiny on Flight 613.
