วันจันทร์, สิงหาคม 21, 2549

BBC Hits Bottom; Continues to Dig Furiously

Hezbollah forces children to pose with unexploded ordanance, the BBC snaps away with glee...busted by the USS Neverdock:

You can't get any clearer than this admission by the BBC that they engage in staging photos:

When Um Ali Mihdi returned to her home in the southern Lebanese city of Bint Jbeil two days ago, she found a 1,000lb (450kg) Israeli bomb lying unexploded in her living room. The shell is huge, bigger than the young boy pushed forward to stand reluctantly next to it while we get our cameras out and record the scene for posterity.

...Probably would have done the same thing in 1942 had the Nazis brought the BBC to Buchenwald...
