วันเสาร์, สิงหาคม 19, 2549

Kofi Annan's Peace of the Grave...

That 'ol Jew-baiter Koffi Annan makes no bones about whose side he's on; and jumps at the opportunity to toss a few grenades of his own:

Helicopter-borne Israeli commandos raided a Hezbollah stronghold in the Bekaa Valley early Saturday, setting off a fierce gun battle....
...The Israeli military, confirming the raid, said its commandos carried out the operation to interdict shipments of weapons and munitions to Hezbollah from Syria and Iran...
...The Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mark Regev, said the raid was not a violation of the cease-fire because it was in response to a violation by Hezbollah.

A statement issued by Annan's spokesman later Saturday said that the U.N. chief spoke with both Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora and Olmert about the fighting. "The secretary-general is deeply concerned about a violation by the Israeli side of the cessation of hostilities," it said.

So Annan's reflexive anti-Semitism surfaces again - of course, the Israeli shelling of a UN outpost in the early days of the war was "deliberate", despite the fact that Hezbollah was using the UN forces as human shields. And of course, the fact that Hezbollah was re-arming in complete defiance of the cease-fire accords has nothing to do with the "violation by the Israeli side".

Koffi's got it down - when Israel is involved, it is always Israel's fault! Israel is always guilty of whatever fantasy crimes the Arabs conjur up against them - no investigations or evidence needed!

Surely, Koffi would have been the first in line condemning Isreal for the Six Day War back in '67 - remember, Israel attacked first! Sure, they were surrounded on all sides by Arab armies only holding their fire until an agreement on how to divvy up the lands could be reached, but what does that matter when a vicious aggressor state like Israel is involved? The Jews should have held their fire until...

...when, Koffi? Until they were defeated by their enemies in '67? Until the Palestinians manage to drive every last Jew from the land via instruments of terror (and boy does Koffi hate that wall!)? Until Hezbollah re-arms itself with even more advanced weapons from Syria and Iran, and can really knock Israel for a loop? Until the sicko leader of Iran drops a nuclear device on Tel Aviv? When are the Jews allowed to fight?

According to Koffi, never. That says a lot about him, his ultimate aim, and the filthy organization of hate that he so ably represents...

Annan and the UN (arm-in-arm with France, naturally) are trying to impose their own final solution to the "Israeli problem", by forcing upon them the peace of the dead. And not surprisingly, they are meeting with quite a measure of success...

Update: Gateway Pundit breaks down Koffi's two-faced duble dealing diplomacy in much greater depth...
